Chlorella is a freshwater microalgae very rich in proteins, trace elements (iron, zinc, copper, manganese, cobalt), and vitamins. This alga has multiple virtues for different needs:
- Regulation of liver functions,
- Elimination of heavy metals,
- Healing and relief of stomach ulcers,
- Stimulation of the immune system,
- Slowing down the aging process,
- Decrease of fats in the blood,
- Reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases,
- Relief of pain or discomfort related to the intestinal flora.
Tips for use : Take 2 to 3 tablets of chlorella per day half an hour before the 2 or 3 daily meals.
Source of essential nutrients :
Proteins (essential amino acids lysine, methionine, threonine tryptophan... or not), vitamins (A, B, C and E), unsaturated essential fatty acids, minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sulfur, manganese, cobalt...), chlorella is also very rich in antioxidant such as chlorophyll and vitamin B12. Water-soluble vitamin essential to the normal functioning of the brain, the nervous system and the formation of blood. It provides porphyrins, substances that activate cellular metabolism.
INGREDIENTS : 500mg tablet of pure organic Chlorella
Net weight : 250g