Harvested and selected on the North-Finistere coast, the Sea Lettuce is also called "sea parsley" (Ulva sp). It is a very easy seaweed to use in cooking. Raw or cooked, a few pinches will be enough to embellish your salads, sauces, omelets etc...
Our Sea Lettuce is packaged in resealable bags to guarantee a perfect conservation of the product.
It can be used dehydrated, or rehydrated 15 to 30 seconds in cold water.
Use :
- Raw or cooked.
- As a condiment (raw vegetable salads, parsleyed tomatoes, aperitif sauces).
- In your hot dishes (omelets, mussels with cream, soups, fish).
Particularities :
- Rich in iron.
- It allows to bind well your sauces.
Conservation : In their bag, or in a box, protected from light and humidity.
INGREDIENTS : 100% seaweed